Friday, June 24, 2011

Mind Trick #1: The Miracle Mind Method

By Chris Cains, Creator of the Miracle Mind Method

When I was in my early 20's I decided I wanted to become a Monk. I must have gone to a dozen or more Monasteries looking for the perfect place to be a monk. I met some really interesting characters while at these places which I won't bore you with now, but they were something else (not what I expected)! While I was traveling from Monastery to Monastery I also did a lot of reading.

One book, more than any other I read, impressed me as being not only a great book on spirituality, but also on successful living. The title of the book was The Way of the Pilgrim, translation from Russian by Helen Bacovcin.

It's the story of a young homeless man living in Russia in the 1860's who desires nothing more than to be close to God. One day while in church he hears the reading from the Bible that says in part to “Pray constantly”.

This made a deep impression on him. He wonders what could be the meaning of this passage and how does one go about “praying constantly”?


If you have NOT read my program "Miracle Mind Method" – The One Secret Method to Living a Good Life that School, Friends and Everyone Else… Failed To Tell You About! Then you need to go and watch this FREE video training now.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mind Trick #2: Two Magic Words

By Jason Mangrum, Author of Uberman! Almost Super Human

Spiritual masters say that enlightenment can happen in an instant or like the blooming of a lotus flower. The same can be said of realizations, and learning.

As you read a book on any subject you will have moments that you stop reading just long enough to say "Ah ha!" or "Wow, that's how that works" or "that's why that happens!"

When you first look at a new math equation and it makes no sense, then later after you learn the process, you can look at the same equation again and you not only understand it you can solve it.

The point I am trying to make is this: There is a point where something is gained from any knowledge. First you are ignorant, and then you inquire, next you realize, now you have the power of that knowledge and can apply it to your world.

People will sell you courses and charge you thousands of dollars to beat around the bush and flush out the truth I am about to tell you.

I have used this method that consists of only 2 words to create anything I want usually within 24 hours if not instantly.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mind Trick #3: The Magic of Mantrams

By Peter Kelder
, Author of Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth

"There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this: a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent."

Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.

Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that's frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness -- consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.

Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Magic Power of Switchwords

Wouldn't it be great to have a magic wand that you could just wave at any situation or creative project, and have it turn out beneficially just as you wish?

Actually, we all have such a wand! However, most of us have not been aware of it, and have never received an instruction manual for its use. (So I wrote one!)

Your Word is Your Magic Wand

Your word is your wand — and if you're reading this e-zine, you likely have become aware that thought is creative. Intentional creative thoughts bring about intentional desired results.

Intentional creative thoughts can take the form of images or words, or both. We can envision an image and be grateful like it's really already so (for example, a trip to Hawaii or making a million dollars). Or we can declare or affirm a beneficial condition or state of affairs, in words (for example, "My connection to infinite being and infinite intelligence is always sufficient to yield me a huge financial fortune") and be grateful also for that being so. Or we can do both image and text together.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Five Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth

By Ilya Alexi, Author of 
Mind Over Money: How to Program Your Mind for Wealth

Learning how to use mind power, and learning specifically how to use mind power to attract wealth and abundance has been a major focus for most of my life. Along the way, I've learned that using mind power works most effectively when it is done with ease and grace. You don't have to struggle to get exactly what you want in life. In fact, whenever you struggle, you push away that which you most desire.

Using mind power to change your life is more like a magic trick than anything else. You simply trick your mind into believing that you have what you want, and then your life miraculously changes to reflect your new belief. And just like a magic trick, it seems impossible until you learn the trick, and then you realize it is actually very simple.

Yes, I said very simple. The five steps which follow are designed for the complete beginner. You can start today, right now, to attract more prosperity in your life. Here are five ways to start immediately.